Would you like to enhance your English tour guiding skills?
The registration for English Tour Guiding Community of OUR TOWN USR project at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages is now a hit ! 🔥🔥
Registration link🔗 https://forms.gle/9TqjMrKKMMgieMic7
Welcome to join! Limited places available!
Local volunteers will be given priority in admission. Grab your chances~~~

Course Highlights
 ⭐️Guiding behaviors
 ⭐️Drafting tour scripts
 ⭐️Showcasing personal guiding styles
 ⭐️Natural English expression

Course location
 ⭐️Multimedia room, Shoushan National Natural Park

First course
🌟Time: 02:00 p.m. ~04:00 p.m., 2023/08/23 (Wed.)
🌟Guided by Teacher Louis and Teacher Eileen😍

Action is better than thinking! Click the registration link🔗!

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