by Tina Lin, Project Co-organizer

A foreign language guided tour organized by USR Our Town took place in Hamasen, featuring Professor Zhang Shouzhen, a historical expert; Luis, a foreign language tour specialist; Teacher Eileen, from the Department of Translation and Interpreting, and volunteer guides. The event attracted 42 T&I students who explored various corners of the Hamasen area from 9 AM to 4 PM.

The tour included numerous historically significant landmarks, such as Wude Martial Arts Center and the old market. Students not only learned about the rich local history but also had the opportunity to taste authentic local snacks. The foreign language excursion was highly educational, with students appreciating the rich content of the Chinese-guided tour and the enthusiasm and vitality of the foreign language tour volunteers, gaining a deeper understanding of Hamasen's history and culture.


Students waited at the front gate of Wenzao University to go to  Hamasen together.


Zhang Shouzhen provided explanations about Hamasen for students majoring in Translation at Wenzao University.


Weber conducted a tour for Translation Department students.


A group photo of lecturers, project team members, and Translation Department students.