by Project Student, Rita

Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages' University Social Responsibility Practice Program, "OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project”has initiated various collaborative communities this semester.The "Cultural Experience Design Community" has planned two themed activities for this session. Participants engaged in making Fenyang wontons, a delicacy of the Zuoying Old Town, and listened to fascinating stories related to them, such as those about Xuantian Shangdi(The deity of the big Dipper). Through these activities, they will develop a profound understanding of the history of Old Zuoying and explore local folk beliefs in depth.

Firstly, Manager. Chen Zhenrong, Manager of Kaohsiung Cultural Association, was invited to introduce the historical development of Fenyang wonton and explained the relationship between wonton and Xuantian Shangdi. In the history section, it was mentioned that there are many legends and versions about the identity of Xuantian Shangdi before he became an immortal. One of the most popular ones is that in the book "běi yóu jì" (Journey to the North), it is written that Xuantian Shangdi was originally a butcher who took out his own stomach and intestines in order to save his mother and remove his own karmic obstacles, and was then touched by the heavens and ascended to become a god of immortality. Mr. Chen's lively and entertaining "interpretation" of the story kept the participants engaged and interested in not only Zuoying, but also Taiwanese folk beliefs as a whole.

Next, the hands-on experience was led by Ms.Wang, who guided everyone in making wontons. With exquisite skill, she wrapped the pork filling in dough, and the participants eagerly followed her instructions to create their own wontons, thoroughly enjoying the process. Once cooked, everyone eagerly tasted the wontons. The aromatic smell and the melt-in-your-mouth texture impressed the participants, who expressed that the wontons they made themselves were particularly delicious and meaningful. Many participants felt that the dual experience of "cultural and historical learning" and "hands-on crafting" not only enhanced their understanding of the local cultural features but also deepened their emotional connection to the area.

 In the second session of the "Design and Ideation" activity, participants explored various aspects using elements of folk beliefs. This session was divided into three groups: one focused on the "Rubbing Experience" related to the Tzu Chi Temple and Baosheng Dadi, another on "Traditional Chinese Medicine Specialty Products," and a third on tasting "Mochi, a favorite of the Earth God." Ms. Liu Yiling from Zhengxin Tang was also invited to explain the "Importance of Traditional Chinese Medicine" and "Local Development and Current Situation of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Old Zuoying," enriching participants with abundant knowledge. Through this activity, participants not only enhanced their cultural understanding through mutual exchange and sharing within each group but also developed a deeper appreciation for their local heritage, gradually becoming more familiar with and fond of their homeland.

The first half of the 113th academic year's "Cultural Experience Design Community Activities" has successfully concluded. The activities featuring "Cultural and Historical Stories" and "Hands-on Experiences" continue to be highly popular among participants. Additionally, the newly introduced "Design and Ideation" activities have also achieved excellent outcomes. Looking ahead, we look forward to welcoming more partners from diverse backgrounds to actively participate in future events. Together, we aim to contribute to the development of Old Zuoying, continuing the legacy and cultural enrichment of this valuable heritage.

圖1. 陳振榮經理講解玄天上帝故事。

Manager Chen Zhenrong explained the story of Xuantian Shangdi.

圖2. 學員體驗親手製作餛飩。

Participants experience making wontons by hand.

圖3. 學員分享設計理念與結合手作內容。

Participants share design concepts and combine hand-made content.

圖4. 全體社群學員與計畫團隊成員合影。

The entire community of members and project team members taking a group photo.