by Rita Lin, Student

Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages' University Social Responsibility Practice Program, "OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project" has opened various co-creation communities this semester. Among them, the "Cultural Experience Design Community" team is fortunate to collaborate with the Kaohsiung Cultural Association, inviting Manager Chen Zhenrong to co-organize this event.   The cultural experience this time is the second event, and the activity is "Sugar Painting." Manager Chen from Kaohsiung Cultural Association will continue to share with everyone the reasons behind the handmade craft and its fascinating stories.

In the section on literature and history, the overview and key events of Taiwan's century-long "History of Sugar Industry Development" are presented, along with anecdotes related to Zuoying Old Town . Manager Chen explains that as early as the Dutch colonial period, Taiwan was engaged in sugar production and trade activities. However, during that time, the colonizers described the Han people living in Formosa as the "finest silkworms" and "honey-making bees," indicating through various descriptions that the island's residents under colonization suffered from numerous unjust and oppressive treatments. Moving into the Japanese colonial period, Taiwan was regarded as an "important production base" and a "trade transit hub," with sugar remaining an indispensable export commodity.

In addition, Manager Chen introduce Zhuo Zhaochang from Fengshan County during the Qing Dynasty. He was the first person in Zuoying to be the Juren. ( One of the level of imperial Examination ) During his childhood, there is an interesting folk legend describing how he tied the Tudi Gong(Lord of the land)to a tree to assist in taking care of cattle. However, one day, he forgot to "rescue" Tudi Gong, leaving the deity lonely, blowing cold winds while waiting. Although this story has not been confirmed, the amusing legend has left a deep impression on the participants about Zhuo Zhaochang, a local literati. It has also sparked the participants' interest in the relevant history of the Zuoying Old Town, encouraging them to share and listen to anecdotes about the old city in the future.

In the hands-on experience segment, the team invited Uncle Xie Yongqing, a teacher skilled in sugar painting, to visit Wenzao and demonstrate the techniques of sugar painting to everyone. He shared clear and detailed insights with the participants, covering aspects such as the selection of sugar types, cooking times, and how to depict various shapes. With his many years of experience, Teacher Xie patiently guided each participant, actively engaging in interactions and Q&A sessions during the process. He also shared a variety of sugar painting styles and showcased his unique creations.Sugar painting is not just a childhood memory and flavor for many people. Through this event, participants can also understand the importance of preserving and promoting traditional crafts in the face of their potential loss.

The second event of the Cultural Experience Design Community has successfully concluded, and preparations for the next two events are currently underway. We look forward to bringing even more enriching content to everyone! In the future, the "OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project” also anticipates engaging in exchanges and collaborations with students on campus, clubs, professional instructors, and community organizations. Together, we aim to plan and design a diverse range of cultural and historical experiential activities, expanding the scope of social responsibility practices.

圖1. 經理講述文史故事

Manager Chen Zhenrong, Manager from Kaohsiung Cultural Association, talked about relevant cultural and historical stories

圖2. 講師講解製作方式

Uncle Xie Yongqing, instructed participants how to make Sugar painting

圖3. 學員手作畫糖

Participants did hand-drawn patterns

圖4. 小朋友畫糖合影

The children happily took photos with the their sugar paintings