by Tina Lin, Project Co-organizer

On September 12, 2023, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages held the second session of the "OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project” focusing on promoting foreign language guiding skills and providing volunteer guides with opportunities to practice explanations in English. On the day of the community event, volunteer guides engaged in simulated exercises to hone their foreign language guiding skills and observed the actual working conditions of professional foreign language tour guides.

This event not only This event not only promotes the local community culture in Zuoying Old Town but also strengthened the ability of volunteer guides to provide explanations in English. During the activity, volunteers participated in on-site English cultural guiding explanations, gaining a deeper understanding of the similarities and differences between Chinese and English guiding and the unique features of foreign language guiding. In particular, Professor Luis conducted a guided demonstration on the theme of "North Gate of Xiong Town ", followed by volunteers selecting their own guiding topics.

The second community event not only enhanced the volunteers' understanding of English guiding explanations but also facilitated the promotion of local culture.


The lecturer gave a guided tour of North Gate of Xiong Town in English for volunteers observing the way of guided tours.


The lecturer's English guide is informative, lively, interesting and engaging.


Tour guide volunteers communicated with the lecturer at community events.


Snapshot of the activity of the community