by Rose, Project Student

Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages' University Social Responsibility Practice Program, “OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project” held its second thematic seminar of Stories Interviewing Editors Community on April 25th. We were honored to have retired Professor Xu from Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages to further elaborate on the evolution of Confucianism and the unique perspectives of other Confucian scholars different from Confucius. Besides learning about their history and anecdotes, exploring the clash of ideas added a unique element of interest to the entire seminar.

In contrast to the theme of the first lecture, Professor Han-chang Hsu focused this session on another great Confucian thinker—Mencius. Mencius, as a philosopher of the Warring States period, advocated for "benevolence" (仁) as the central ideal despite the prevailing self-interest among rulers of various states. He boldly challenged the aggressive and oppressive practices of feudal lords, promoting the doctrine of "benevolent governance" to alleviate the suffering of the people.

Mencius believed that rulers should prioritize the well-being of the people by understanding their lives and empathizing with their joys, anger, grief, pleasure, love, hatred, and desires. Only in the condition of “when a ruler rejoices in the joy of his people, people also rejoice in his joy; when he grieves at the sorrow of his people, they also grieve at his sorrow,” can they be regarded as benevolent rulers. Leaders who sympathize with the populace and exhibit kindness towards all living beings can foster a harmonious and prosperous society.

This people-centric concept of governance serves as a timeless lesson, particularly relevant in our era of frequent political changes and evolving societal dynamics.

Under Professor Xu’s guidance, the Stories Interviewing Editors Community’s seminar concluded successfully. The aim of the “OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project” is to provide participants with rich educational opportunities, enabling them not only to enhance their literary skills but also to reflect, analyze, and refine their interviewing and editing abilities through community learning. Participants are encouraged to apply their learning back to our local community, contributing to the promotion of Zuoying's old town and showcasing the vitality and charm of this land to an increasing number of people.

圖1. 徐教授進行專題講座

Professor Xu delivered the speech

圖2. 參與學員認真做筆記

Participants took notes on their laptop.

圖3. 師長們合照

Teachers and professors took photos together.

圖4. 全體大合照

Group photo