by Rose, Project Student

On 28th March, OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project-The Stories Interviewing Editors Community organized the first thematic lecture, introducing the basics of Confucianism and the life and philosophy of Confucius to community members. Through comprehensive and understandable teaching, participants were able to glimpse the ideological revolution brought about by “benevolence, righteousness, manners, wisdom, and credit”, and its impact on the development of modern thinking. The lecture attracted many people of all ages from both inside and outside the campus to attend.

The theme of this lecture is "First Lecture | What Did Confucius Teach Us?" with Professor Xu as the main speaker. Professor Xu first introduced us to Confucius's background and the story of his early career, as well as the evaluations of him by later generations. From Mencius, Xunzi, and Han Feizi, to Records of the Grand Historian, Book of Han, and Book of Later Han, we can see how Confucius influenced the intellectual atmosphere and moral standards of the entire Central Plains with his personal character and insights.

Just like his discussions with students on the topic of "What is the Way of Learning," as recorded in the "Analects" in the "Li Ren" chapter: The Master said, "Shen, my doctrine is that of an all-pervading unity.” Zeng said, “The doctrine of our master is to be true to the principles of our nature and the benevolent exercise of them to others, this and nothing more.” These two passages clearly illustrate that learning involves establishing a central axis, setting goals, and then integrating this ideology into various aspects of life. Based on Confuscius’ mindset, only if one can understand the principle of sincerity and benevolence, “loving others” and “respecting others”, and having sympathy for others, can they achieve success in all endeavors. In just a few words, Confucius emphasizes the importance of "perseverance" and "empathy." Even more than two thousand years later, aren't these two principles still the most valued when it comes to human interaction?

OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project-The Stories Interviewing Editors Community aims not only to enhance the interviewing and editing skills of community members but also hopes to bring positive impacts to the local community. From personal insights into Confucian spirit and interpretations of "benevolence" to the relationship between Confucianism and the local community culture, history, and stories in Zuoying, we can see the close and inseparable connection between the two. The community will continue to explore more local culture and ideas with members and learn from the changes brought about by it. We aim to view the beauty and diversity of this land from a deeper, broader, and more professional perspective while leaving vivid records for this land.


The participants listened attentively to the lecture.


The participants compared the content conveyed orally by the professor with the content provided in the lecture notes.


The participants focused on taking notes.


Group photo