by 張雅庭

Kaohsiung is the city that comes to mind whenever people talk about tourist attractions, and boasts an area so large that visitors cannot travel to all the spots in just three days and nights. It has lots of historic sites, culinary delights, and natural zones. It is also a friendly city where visitors can fit in easily. This time, let us visit the Zuoying District. Although it is near downtown and very modernized, visitors who step into the Zuoying Old City of Fengshan will feel that they are, traveling through time, where they are transported to memory-filled history in an instant,and provided the opportunities to discover the different looks of Zuoying.

The Zuoying Old City has four gates, which include the East Gate, South Gate, West Gate, North Gate, and inner gate space. Let’s begin by introducing the North Gate, close to the Dragon and Tiger Pagodas, and one that is now listed as a national monument of the Republic of China.

The North Gate is also called Gongcheng Gate. It has the special meaning of "Power reigning is most valued with the northern star to direct the governance direction among people", which was excerpted from the "Power Reigning Theme" of the Analects of Confucius. Briefly speaking, this sentence signifies national politicians treating the people well and gaining their trust through virtuous governance, like the North Star settling in its place and other stars surrounding it in an orderly manner. Beicheng literally means the northern star and represents the star of the empire in ancient times, having a meaning of the support of people everywhere.

Outside the North Gate, you can see both sides embossed with gray Door Gods. Although there have been serious abrasions, when you come up next to the Door Gods, you can still see the exquisite patterns of their apparel. The Door Gods on the right side is Shengtu, and that on the left side is Yulei. The setting is related to the geography near the North Gate. In the past, the shops outside the North Gate where were cemeteries and execution grounds were. Since the north is considered an unlucky place in Feng Shui, Door Gods were specially carved on the outer walls in order to ward off evil spirits and prevent disasters.

The four gates can be connected into a travel route. Next time, feel free to take advantage of the beautiful sunshine and visit the four gates, feel the extraordinariness of ancient architecture, and bathe in a nostalgic atmosphere!
