by 蔡芳玲


Wang Wang Lee, a native of Mengli, Niaosong District, married Shizhu Lee at the age of 22 by matchmaker to Zuoying District.Mr. Lee was a steady, honest, law-abiding person. After marriage, the two developed a construction business together.


In 2002, the Taoist priest conveyed the will of Heavenly God of Xuan Tianand to assign Ms. Lee  to build Sianfong Temple for Earth God. She did not have the guts to take this holy impossible mission. She implored the temple authorities to find another powerful and famous male gentry to take the responsibility , she was willing to provide donations. Later, she fell down for no reason while riding a motorcycle, so she consulted the Heavenly God of Xuan Tian who once again instructed her to take charge of this mission.

Ms. Lee was a heroine . Once she took over the responsibility, she would never regret. Under the instructions of the Earth God, she found the land (located in Dashu District,kaohsiung, address: No. 130, Sanhe Road, Sanheli). The landlord told her: "The Earth God has come. A few days before I planned to sell the land, I dreamed of the Earth God several times."

To celebrate the groundbreaking ceremony, Heavenly God of Xuan Tian instructed the time should be at 10 a.m. and ordered all believers to prepare firecrackers. When the time came, the believers were preparing for burning it. Suddenly a tornado blew up. No one touched the firecrackers, but they were lit at the same time. The flames illuminated their hearts and made a loud applause.

During the early construction, Heavenly God of Xuan Tian of Zuoying instructed the central location of the temple. Later, it was completely fitted with the surveyor’s plan, which gave him a big shock. During the construction of the temple, the God also instructed Ms. Lee where to strengthen the construction , which amazed the workers.

The cement workers also gave their financial and manpower support to Ms. Lee - Li Chaoqian, Li Qin, Li Jinzhi, Li Jinxiong, etc.,  Mr. Zhengren Hou, Chairman of Hou's Construction and Sanliaowan Donglong Palace. His mother, Ms. Wanggui Hou served as the deputy chairman. 

Ms. Lee overcame the difficulties and fulfilled everyone's wishes. It took 10 years to finally complete the merits. 

(Wang Wang Lee :25th, Sep. 1931-25th, Oct. 2019)