by Tina Lin, Project Co-organizer

Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages organized the fourth foreign language guided tour community program of the "Our Town Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Co-creation Platform Project"at the Shoushan National Nature Park Visitor Center in Kaohsiung on the 17th of Oct. The event brought together international volunteers and volunteers of the national nature park to conduct foreign language tours, practicing touring the rich cultural and historical charm of the old Fongshan city.

Luis Gong’s professional instruction allowed the volunteers to share, observe, and learn from each other’s best practices for guiding. The class not only involved exchanging key tour-guiding skills in English but also included a Japanese-guided tour of the Martyrs' Shrine. With Luis's unique classroom leadership, volunteers enhanced their effective foreign language guiding techniques and were pleased with the substantial lessons learned from each other.

The USR OUR TOWN project, through its foreign language guided tour community activities, demonstrated how internationalized education and practice can enhance cultural exchange and understanding. This exchange between international volunteers and national park volunteers shows that Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages will continue to play a key role in promoting sustainable cultural development and international exchanges.


Participants shared the interesting aspects of the tour guide content 


Exchanges between international tour guides and participants


International tour guides explained the temple culture of the old Fongshan city 


 Tour guides shared guiding techniques with Shoushan National Park volunteers and participants