【OUR TOWN學生團隊成員 楊璦菱 報導】

文藻外語大學大學社會責任實踐計畫─「OUR TOWN 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫」於2024年2月1日協助接待高雄市大義國中和日本駒澤大學附屬苫小牧高等學校共138位師生至左營舊城進行走讀活動。過程中,由龔書永、翁欣邑老師及四位校內職場體驗實習生運用英、日語專長帶領青少年認識左營舊城一帶古蹟和廟宇的歷史故事。

"OUR TOWN Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaboration Platform Project" by Wenzao Ursuline University's University Social Responsibility Initiative assisted in hosting a field trip on February 1, 2024. A total of 138 students and teachers from Da-Yi Junior High School in Kaohsiung City and Tomakomai Senior High School affiliated with Komazawa University in Japan were welcomed to explore the historic sites of Zuoying Old Town. During the excursion, led by teachers Gong Shuyong and Weng Xinyi, along with four intern students with language proficiency in English and Japanese, the young participants were guided to learn about the historical stories of the temples and landmarks in the Zuoying Old Town area.


The walking tour began at the East Gate of Zuoying Old Town, passing through the Zuoying Old Town Jian Cheng Museum and Lianchi Lake, and visiting local attractions such as the Dragon and Tiger Pagodas and Ci Ji Temple. Under the guidance of Wenzao students and teachers, the participants also had the opportunity to experience the traditional way of entering the Dragon and Tiger Pagodas for good luck. Furthermore, with the introduction from Wenzao students and teachers, the youth gained insights into the historical narratives behind the deity Bao Sheng Da Di. The interns expressed that the highlight of their experience was using their language skills to introduce Zuoying Old Town to foreigners and witnessing the participants' focused and joyful engagement.

Our Town籌辦本次跨域合作活動,擴大與在地合作的機會。推動左營舊城與學校教育單位、各類協會或團體組織等合作共創,結合相關資源、專業能力及關係網絡創造更多在地服務和學習機會,進而提升在地人文素養及拓展影響力。藉由跨域合作活動增加國內外交流互動,提升國際化對台灣高雄左營舊城知名度。

"Our Town" organized this cross-domain collaborative activity to expand opportunities for local cooperation. By promoting collaboration between Zuoying Old Town and educational institutions, associations, and various organizations, the project aims to leverage resources, professional expertise, and relationship networks to create more local services and learning opportunities. This, in turn, enhances the cultural literacy of the local community and extends its influence. Through cross-domain collaborative activities, the project seeks to increase international exchanges, thereby elevating the visibility of Zuoying Old Town in Kaohsiung on the global stage.


This collaboration with Da-Yi Junior High School in Kaohsiung and Tomakomai Senior High School in Japan showcased the unique cultural heritage of Zuoying Old Town through a guided tour, emphasizing Wenzao's capabilities in nurturing cross-domain talents. Future expectations include more opportunities for international exchanges to strengthen students' cultural learning and global understanding.


全體參與師生大合照(盧美妃 攝影)

A group photo of all participating teachers and students.


文藻外語大學與大義國中師長合影(王馨正 攝影)

A group photo of the faculty from Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages and Da-Yi Junior High School.


參與師生於蓮池潭旁合影(林亭妤 攝影)

A group photo of participating teachers and students by the side of Lotus Pond.


翁欣邑老師(左一)帶領文藻實習生講述導覽內容(林亭妤 攝影)

Teacher, Weng Xinyi (leftmost), leading Wenzao intern students in presenting the guided tour content.


參與師生實際踏訪左營舊城慈濟宮(林一成 攝影)

Teachers and students actively visited the Tzu Chi Temple in the old town of Zuoying.


參與師生認真聆聽英日語導覽內容(王馨正 攝影)

Teachers and students attentively listening to the English and Japanese guided tour commentary.