Zouying Old City of Fengshan



The old city of Fengshan is located in Kaohsiung Zouying nowadays, it was the first city wall of Taiwan built by the Qing Government, the arch was build with granite from China, it has been designated a grade 1 national heritage site, many travelers visit this amazing place when they travel to Kaohsiung. There are totally 4 gate including The North Gate, West Gate, East Gate and the South Gate.


The North Gate, also known as Gongchen Gate, is completely intact, and the outer side of the gatehouse is decorated with colorful reliefs depicting guardian spirits with evince fine craftsmanship. The West Gate, also known as Danhai Gate, located at Zizhuxinli in Zouying, the gate's sign, which reads “West Gate” is currently on display in the Former British Consulate in Takao. The East Gate, also known as Fengyi Gate, still present in its entirety, over 500m of the wall remains, there are total 9 crenellations have been built along the wall, as well as an inclined horse track.

Lastly, The South Gate, located at the intersection of Zuoying Avenue and Qishan 3rd Road , the sign of it “Qiwen Gate” has been kept intact to the present day.

鳳山舊城是一處令人驚嘆,且不會讓你後悔造訪的地方。它已經整修和重建了七年,煥然一新,對遊客來說也是一個新景點。在蓮池潭附近有一個水上樂園, 叫做蓮潭滑水主題樂園,有著全台唯一的五塔滑水場,他們提供國際標準的纜繩滑水設備,也適合親子享受滑水道的樂趣,而且你還可以坐在水裡與龍虎塔拍美照,不只有台灣人在這裡,甚至還有許多外國旅客的行程之一是一定要來台灣高雄。

Fengsheng old city is a wonderful place to visit, and you will never regret going there. It has been renovate and rebuild for 7 years and it’s totally new and also a new spots

for travelers as well. Nearby the Lotus Pond, there are a big waterpark named Lotus Wake Park, Taiwan's only five-tower waterslide, they provided the international standard cable water-skiing equipment, also suitable for parents and children with the fun of the water slide, moreover you can sit in the water to take beautiful pictures with the Dragon and Tiger Pagodas, not only the Taiwanese people here, even a lot of foreign tourists come to Taiwan Kaohsiung must be scheduled one of the itinerary.


There are also many different kind of Temples there, they were all spectacular and historical, such as Chi Ji Palace, Cide Plalace. Visiting temples in Taiwan can also let you know more about the history of Zouying, and also some Chinese traditional stories. The Temples were all located in Zuoying Old Fengshan city, so you can visit mutual temples when you travel Zouying Kaohsiung.

最後我想介紹在左營蓮池潭舉辦的一個特別節慶。2022 年,為了慶祝端午節,蓮池潭水上運動中心宣布,2022 首都盃划龍舟比賽將會在左營區蓮池潭舉辦。端午節是為了慶祝中國傳統的一個大節日,在新冠肺炎前,總共有十六個國家,超過七千人參加這個比賽,其中包括美國、香港和西班牙等。總共有二百三十七組隊伍競賽,這個令人驚嘆的比賽吸引了很多國內外的運動員參加,對運動觀光和周邊經濟發展起了效益。由此可見,人們在慶祝這個節日時有多興奮。

Lastly, I want to introduce a special festival that were held in the Lotus Pond of Zouying. In 2022, to celebrate Dragon Boat Festival, Lotus Pond Watersports Centre announced that 2022 Capital Cup Dragon Boat Race will be held in Zouying district Lotus Pond. Dragon Boat Festival is a big festival to celebrate in Chinese traditional, before the covid, there were 16 countries in total, more then 7000 people join the race, including USA, Hong Kong, Spain etc. Total 237 teams racing Dragon Boat, this amazing event attracted many domestic and international athletes to participate, which conduct to the development of sports tourism and the creation of peripheral economic benefits. Therefore, you can tell how exciting people are when celebrating this festival.

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