【 OUR TOWN學生團隊成員 傅于恩 報導】

文藻外語大學大學社會責任實踐計畫辦公室於五月二十八日舉辦了 "Our Town" 外語社群導覽計畫的第三場活動。本次活動特別邀請到壽山國家自然公園資深導覽志工林育如擔任講師,主題為「南壽山走讀解說路線」。活動中,林育如詳細介紹了壽山附近的主要景點,例如升旗廣場、中興亭、相思亭、山友亭及七曼亭。社群學員們在志工的細心講解下,對壽山國家公園有了更深入的了解。

The Office of University Social Responsibility Practice at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages held the third session of the "Our Town" Tour Guiding Community tour program on May 28. This event specially invited Lin Yuru, a senior volunteer guide from Shoushan National Nature Park, to be the lecturer. The theme was "Exploring the Interpretive Route of South Shoushan." During the activity, Lin Yuru provided a detailed introduction to the main attractions near Shoushan, such as the Flag-Raising Square, Zhongxing Pavilion, Xiangsi Pavilion, Shanyou Pavilion, and Qiman Pavilion. With the meticulous explanations from the volunteer, community members gained a deeper understanding of Shoushan National Park.


Among the participants, community member Su Xiuyun gave an introduction in English about the architecture and history of Weiwuying. She used an interactive Q&A method to engage with the attendees, helping everyone gain a better understanding of Weiwuying. During the course, Ms. Su mentioned that Weiwuying was designed by German architect Francine Houben. It was formerly one of the new recruit training centers established by the Army in Taiwan and officially opened on October 13, 2018.


Shoushan is a national park jointly established by local government and private organizations. During the event, volunteer guide Yu-Ru introduced participants to various tour themes, including geology, ecology, Leave No Trace principles, and the tea-serving culture. She also delved into the various issues currently faced by the wildlife in Shoushan. For example, the main issue faced by Formosan macaques is the conflict in human-monkey relations; muntjacs are facing challenges related to their population ecology; additionally, the threat posed by stray animals to wildlife is also an important topic. Through these discussions, Yu-Ru provided participants with a comprehensive understanding of Shoushan's natural environment and conservation issues, emphasizing the importance of protecting the ecological environment and preserving animal habitats.


Participants not only gained a wealth of knowledge from this event but also heightened their awareness of environmental protection. The community will visit Shoushan for a guided walk at the end of June. To better prepare participants for the English tour, the project team has arranged a Chinese-language training session one week before the tour. Through the training courses and on-site practice, it is hoped that participants will become familiar with the tour route and content, improve their guiding skills, and confidently conduct explanations during the official event.

圖 一


Community member Hsiu-Yun Su shared the history of Weiwuying.   



Yuh-Ju Lin, a specialist from Shoushan National Park, shared about Shoushan.



Group photo of the lecturer, project team members, and community participants.