
2023年11月21日,文藻外語大學的「Our Town 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫」圓滿落幕。志工學員在壽山自然國家公園進行外語導覽。本計畫旨在提升志工英語導覽能力,推廣高雄左營舊城文化遺產。計畫三個月期間,志工學員在壽山自然國家公園接受英語導覽訓練,深化對高雄左營舊城文化遺產的了解及國際推廣。

On November 21, 2023, the "Our Town Community Sustainable Cross-Disciplinary Co-creation Platform Project" of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages was successfully concluded. Volunteer trainees conducted English tours in Shoushan National Natural Park. This project aimed to enhance the volunteers' English tour guiding abilities and promote the cultural heritage of the old Fongshan city in Kaohsiung. During the three-month project period, volunteer trainees received English tour guide training in Shoushan National Natural Park, deepening their understanding of the local cultural heritage in Kaohsiung and its international promotion.

The USR OUR TOWN project, through its foreign language guided tour community activities, demonstrated how internationalized education and practice can enhance cultural exchange and understanding. This exchange between international volunteers and national park volunteers shows that Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages will continue to play a key role in promoting sustainable cultural development and international exchanges.


On graduation day, international and local volunteers, national park staff, and Wenzao international students gathered together to participate in volunteer trainees’ English tour guide. Five volunteers conducted English tours ranging from 5 to 10 minutes each, showcasing what they had learned. Teacher Luis's clear instruction improved the trainees’ organization skills and English communication abilities, earning high praise.

The USR OUR TOWN project, through its foreign language guided tour community activities, demonstrated how internationalized education and practice can enhance cultural exchange and understanding. This exchange between international volunteers and national park volunteers shows that Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages will continue to play a key role in promoting sustainable cultural development and international exchanges.


This project not only strengthened practical foreign language tour guiding but also promoted cross-cultural exchange. The participation of international students added a global perspective to the tours, sparking innovative thinking. Through cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary collaboration, at the end of the course, the volunteers were able to introduce the unique charm of Shoushan National Nature Park in English vividly. This not only contributes to future community sustainable development and international exchange but also demonstrates Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages' commitment and achievements in community co-creation and international exchange.


The USR OUR TOWN project, through its foreign language guided tour community activities, demonstrated how internationalized education and practice can enhance cultural exchange and understanding. This exchange between international volunteers and national park volunteers shows that Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages will continue to play a key role in promoting sustainable cultural development and international exchanges.


學員導覽(林蒂喜 攝影)

Volunteer Tour guide gave an English Tour


英語導覽演練後於遊客中心合影(林蒂喜 攝影)

 A group photo after English tours at the Shoushan National Nature Park Visitor Center


學員分享課程所學(林蒂喜 攝影)

Tour guide volunteers gave feedback on the programs


社群課程結束後大合影(林蒂喜 攝影)

 A group photo at the conclusion of the program