
文藻外語大學於2023年9月26日於壽山國家自然公園舉辦第三場「Our Town 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫」外語導覽社群活動。該活動為導覽志工提供優良外語導覽技巧課程和演練機會。

On September 23, 2023, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages held its third "OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project" foreign language guided tour community event at Shoushan National Nature Park. This event provided excellent foreign language guided tour skills training and practical opportunities for volunteer guides. During the event, volunteer guides engaged in English conversations to review the course content and express their thoughts on various daily topics in English.


Volunteers had the chance to practice expressing themselves in English, learn different ways of English expression, and take turns delivering oral presentations in English. Through the use of props and photos, volunteers shared the tour materials they had prepared. In the third community event, volunteer guides promoted the local community culture and cultural preservation of Kaohsiung Zuoying Old Town in English, showcasing Wenzao University's commitment to local care and social responsibility.


The training of English-speaking humanities tour guides not only contributes to enhancing the awareness of foreign visitors about the local community but also demonstrates Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages' international perspective and commitment to social engagement.


導覽志工以英文解說廟宇文化,內容豐富精彩(林蒂喜 攝影)

Volunteer guides provide rich and engaging explanations of temple culture in English


導覽志工自製道具,為英語導覽做出最佳準備(林蒂喜 攝影)

Volunteer guides make their own props to make the best preparation for the English tour


導覽志工運用照片說明導覽標的(林蒂喜 攝影)

Volunteer guides utilize photos to illustrate the points of the tour


社群活動剪影(林蒂喜 攝影)

Snapshot of the activity of the community