
文藻外語大學於2023年8月23日在壽山國家自然公園遊客中心舉辦「Our Town 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫」外語導覽社群活動。外語導覽社群活動旨在為導覽志工提供高品質的外語培訓,結合壽山公園與左營舊城的獨特景點,深化並推廣高雄左營舊城的在地文化與人文特色。在龔書永老師的專業講解下,導覽志工習得英語表達核心技巧,並於課中搭配英語互動活動,學以致用,成功地為在地社區英語導覽課程展開嶄新的新篇章。首堂外語導覽社群課為相見歡,導覽志工、授課講師與團隊以英文自介,學習有效之外語導覽技巧,將對當地文化的了解與熱愛化為英語,期待為更多遊客服務。

On August 23, 2023, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages organized the "OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project” foreign language guided tour community event at the Shoushan National Nature Park Visitor Center. The aim of the foreign language guided tour community event is to provide high-quality language training for volunteer guides, combining the unique attractions of Shoushan Park and the Kaohsiung Zuoying Old Town to deepen and promote the local culture and humanistic characteristics of Zuoying's old town in Kaohsiung. Under the professional guidance of Professor Gong Shu-Yong, volunteer guides acquired core English expression skills. Through English interactive activities during the course, they applied their knowledge effectively, successfully launching a new chapter for local community English guided tour courses. The first session of the foreign language guided tour community class began with mutual introductions in English, where volunteer guides, instructor, and the team learned effective foreign language guiding techniques. They transformed their understanding and passion for local culture into English, eagerly anticipating serving more visitors in the future.


壽山自然國家公園代表致詞,歡迎志工夥伴參與外語導覽社群(王馨正 攝影)

The representative of Shoushan Natural National Park delivered a speech and welcomed volunteer partners to participate in the foreign language guide community


導覽志工與講師以英文進行交流(王馨正 攝影)

Volunteer tour guides and lecturers communicate in English

圖4 (1)

導覽志工與同伴以英文交流(王馨正 攝影)

Volunteer tour guides communicate with their partners in English

圖3 (1)

導覽志工與同伴以英文交流進行自我介紹(王馨正 攝影)

Volunteer tour guides  and companions communicate in English to introduce themselves