【OUR TOWN學生團隊成員 龔楚茜 報導】

文藻外語大學社會責任實踐計畫─「OUR TOWN 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫」的五項社群活動,其中的「社區故事採訪編輯社群」於5月24日舉辦本學期第三堂專題講座,邀請文藻應用華語文系歐修梅老師講授台灣廟宇中孔門的故事。透過本次講座,學員們跟著歐老師的腳步一同探索台灣廟宇的奧妙。

Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages' University Social Responsibility Practice Program, “OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project” includes five community activities. One of these, the " Stories Interviewing Editors Community," held its third special lecture of the semester on May 24th. The lecture featured Professor Xiou-Mei Ou from the Department of Applied Chinese at Wenzao, who discussed the stories of Confucian temples in Taiwanese temples. Through this lecture, participants explored the mysteries of Taiwanese temples alongside Professor Ou.


The lecture began with Professor Ou sharing his story of being introduced to Confucianism. Thirty years ago, when his grandmother was hospitalized, a Confucian elder's sharing made him realize that Confucianism was not just confined to books but deeply embedded in every corner of life. This experience led him to pay attention to and study local folklore and the influence of Confucianism in daily life. He recalled that during his university years, a teacher from Harbin shared a local custom: if a child cried at night, parents would place the "Analects of Confucius" under the child's pillow, believing it would soothe the child. This made him deeply appreciate the practical application and influence of the "Analects" in folk beliefs. Professor Ou pointed out that the influence of Confucianism is ubiquitous in Taiwanese folk culture. From people's politeness and humility to the respect for the elderly and love for the young in families, traces of Confucian teachings are evident. These traditional values invisibly shape societal harmony and stability.


In the second half of the lecture, Professor Ou introduced the Confucius Hall at Shansi Temple in Tainan and explained in detail how the depictions of Confucius' activities illustrate core Confucian values such as benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness. He emphasized the importance of these values in modern society. Confucianism, he noted, is not just theoretical but is practiced in daily life to solve practical problems, such as praying for family peace and children's health. Professor Ou highlighted the significance of the "self-cultivation, family regulation, state governance, and world peace" philosophy for modern governance. From personal cultivation to family harmony and social governance, Confucian ethics and interpersonal harmony profoundly impact modern society's stability and harmony. He also mentioned the application of Confucianism in modern business management, emphasizing the "people-oriented" concept. Many successful entrepreneurs incorporate "benevolence" and "integrity" as core business values, enhancing the company's social image and increasing employee cohesion and loyalty. This management approach demonstrates the practical value of Confucianism in contemporary society, providing powerful motivation for long-term business development.

透過本次講座,學員們不僅了解了台灣廟宇中孔門的故事,更深刻體會到儒學在現代生活中的實踐價值。歐修梅老師以其豐富的知識和生動的故事,將儒學的核心價值觀淋漓盡致地展現出來。「OUR TOWN 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫」致力於透過各項社群活動提升在地連結,協助民眾了解當地文化並推動地方創生,未來將持續邀請各方學者推出系列活動與講座,為大學社會責任實踐盡最大的一份力。而「社區故事採訪編輯社群」也將於6月28日再次邀請歐修梅老師,講授本學期最後一場之講座,歡迎學員們把握機會參加!

Through this lecture, participants not only learned about the stories of Confucian temples in Taiwanese temples but also deeply appreciated the practical value of Confucianism in modern life. With his rich knowledge and vivid storytelling, Professor Xiou-Mei Ou vividly showcased the core values of Confucianism. The “OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project” aims to enhance local connections through various community activities, helping people understand local culture and promoting regional revitalization. In the future, the project will continue to invite scholars to launch a series of activities and lectures, making the greatest effort to practice university social responsibility. The “Stories Interviewing Editors Community” will also invite Professor Xiou-Mei Ou again on June 28th for the final lecture of the semester, and participants are encouraged to seize the opportunity to attend!


盧美妃老師進行開場(王馨正 攝影)

Teacher Lu gave introduction of lecture.

圖1 盧美妃老師進行開場

盧美妃老師進行開場(王馨正 攝影)

eacher Lu gave introduction of lecture.

圖3 歐修梅老師分享

歐修梅老師分享(王馨正 攝影)

Professor Ou delivered a speech.

圖4 講師、計畫團隊成員及參與合影

講師、計畫團隊成員及參與合影(王馨正 攝影)

Group photo