【OUR TOWN學生團隊成員 楊珮妤 報導】

「OUR TOWN 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫」於2023年10月17日,舉辦首場社區故事採訪編輯課程,此課程主要招募校外人士,初次課程為了讓學員之間進行初步認識,吳啟豪老師讓學員們輪流說明各自的參加動機,以及簡單的自我介紹。接著是進行未來課程的規劃概覽,說明何為採訪編輯,以及採訪編輯的基本架構等等,讓學員們對接下來的課程有更多的了解,也可提出相關問題,讓學員預備往後的課程活動。

On October 17, 2023, the "OUR TOWN Community Sustainability Interdisciplinary Co-Creation Platform Project" held its first Community Interview Editing Course, which mainly recruited people from outside the school. In order to let the participants get to know each other initially, Prof. Wu asked them to take turns in explaining their own motivation for participating and briefly introducing themselves. This was followed by an overview of future course planning, explaining what interview editing is and the basic structure of interview editing, so that participants could have a better understanding of the course to come, and could also ask relevant questions to prepare for future course activities.


Participants in this program were of a wide range of ages, and all were interested in and knowledgeable about community stories, including many residents of the local community and even the neighborhood representative of Zuoying. The purpose of this community is not only to interview editing, but also to promote the culture, history, and local stories of Zuoying's local community. It is hoped that the old stories of the community will become more widely known, thus attracting more people to explore Zuoying and creating more opportunities for the local community.

231017《社區故事採編》圖1 說明課程大綱.JPG (封面)

吳啟豪老師說明課程大綱(王馨正 攝影)

Explanation of the course syllabus

231017《社區故事採編》圖2 自我介紹環節

自我介紹環節(王馨正 攝影)

Self-introduction Session

231017《社區故事採編》圖3 說明課程以及介紹

盧美妃老師說明課程以及介紹(盧美妃 攝影)

Explanation of the course and introduction

231017《社區故事採編》圖4 學員輪流自我介紹

學員輪流自我介紹,進行初步認識(盧美妃 攝影)

Students take turns to introduce themselves