【OUR TOWN學生團隊成員 簡浩軒報導】


The micro-credit course "Sea You Again," launched by Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages as part of its university social responsibility initiative, integrates the naval culture of Zuoying Naval Base and the culture of military dependents' villages. The purpose of the event is to incorporate the culture of military dependents' villages into modern life, allowing the younger generation to better understand, respect, and cherish this historical period. The content of the event covers introductions to naval, cultural, historical, and geographical aspects, not only promoting naval culture but also emphasizing the importance of national defense awareness for all citizens.


The event comprises two main games. The first game, "Military Village History Snap" requires participants to cooperate with their group members according to mission instructions to identify the historical significance and background of artifacts and exhibits. This interactive gaming approach allows participants to deepen their impression of the knowledge points through firsthand experience, enhancing the fun of learning. The second game, "Ship Dizziness," revolves around Morse code, challenging participants to decipher Morse code and explore its mysteries and intricacies. These games blend traditional and modern elements, injecting new vitality and charm into the culture of military dependents' villages, sparking interest in military dependent village culture and Morse code among a wider audience.


The final segment of the event culminates in a visit to "Four Season Family" a restaurant adjacent to the military base's story museum, where everyone indulges in delicious village-style cuisine. Organized by the students, this special arrangement allows participants, including teachers and students, to immerse themselves in the local culture and the daily life of the military dependents' village through food. Although the dishes served in the restaurant have evolved over time to suit modern Taiwanese tastes, the communal dining atmosphere still evokes the essence of village life, fostering a sense of camaraderie among us.


Through this event, Wenzao Ursuline University successfully integrated the culture of military dependents' villages and naval culture into its social responsibility initiative, striking a balance between education and entertainment. Through games like "Military Village History Snap" and "Ship Dizziness," participants gained historical knowledge related to military dependents' villages and discovered the unique charm of these villages and naval culture. This enjoyable and educational format made learning more engaging while deepening participants' understanding and interest in the military dependents' villages and naval culture of Kaohsiung.


參與學員於軍故事館內聆聽導覽(郭崇希 攝影)

The participants listened to the guided tour inside the military district's history museum


參與學員和導覽員軍區故事館團體照(王華逸 攝影)

A group photo of the participating students and the tour guide at the military district's history museum.



關主於軍區故事館外解釋暈船規則(郭崇希 攝影)

The officer explained the rules for Ship Dizziness outside the military district's history museum.


學員們進行暈船遊戲環節(郭崇希 攝影)

The students participated in a Ship Dizziness simulation activity.


周園長在再見捌捌陸園區館內為學員導覽(徐慧韻 攝影)

Director Zhou guided the students inside the Farewell 886.


學員們在再見捌捌陸園區合照(郭崇希 攝影)

The participants took a group photo at the Farewell 886.


學員們進行古風捉影遊戲環節(王華逸 攝影)

The participants were playing Military Village History Snap.


學員們於四海一家用餐及頒發獎品之合照(林一成 攝影)

A group photo of the participants dining at 'Four Season Family' and receiving awards.