【OUR TOWN學生團隊成員 蔡子容 報導】

文藻外語大學大學社會責任實踐計畫OUR TOWN社區永續跨域共創平台計畫於2024年5月18日舉辦了一場「活動企劃實作課」,此次活動與同校的「SDGs看見需要.千手扶學計畫」共同合作。活動宗旨在帶領雲林偏鄉小學(六合國小、東榮國小及興昌國小)深入了解左營舊城的歷史與文化。為期半天的活動,內容包括文史講座、舊城闖關挑戰以及團隊同樂時間。活動透過多種方式展示鳳山舊城豐富的人文風貌,讓學生們親身體驗左營地區濃厚的歷史氣息。

On May 18, 2024, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages' University Social Responsibility Practice Program, “OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project”, held an activity arranged by its “Project Activity Planning Practice Course”. This event was in collaboration with another USR program. The primary goal of the activity was to lead elementary school students from rural Yunlin to gain an in-depth understanding of the history and culture of Zuoying Old Town.

The half-day event included a variety of activities such as cultural history lectures, an old town tour guiding, and team fun time. Through these diverse activities, the event showcased the rich cultural heritage of Fongshan Old Town, allowing the students to personally experience the deep historical atmosphere of the Zuoying area.


On the day of the event, Manager Chen from the Kaohsiung Cultural Association served as the lecturer, appearing in the traditional attire of a Qing Dynasty official. Using an aerial map of the Lotus Pond area, he vividly explained the phenomenon of religious integration in Zuoying, local feng shui legends, the history of the city gates and walls, and notable historical structures such as the Confucius Temple, Dragon and Tiger Pagodas, and Ciji Temple. The elementary school students absorbed this knowledge through storytelling and reinforced their learning by completing handwritten worksheets.

Following the lecture, the students were divided into four groups to embark on an exploratory journey. They navigated four carefully designed routes: the Old Street Route, the Ancient Residences Route, the Temple Route, and the City Gates Route. Led by university student guides, the children visited numerous historical sites, including Gongchen Gate, the remains of Bizaitou Street, the Guo Family Ancient House, Spring and Autumn Pavilion, and Chi Ming Hall. These visits allowed the students to experience firsthand the historical stories and cultural landscapes discussed in the lecture.

Using hand-drawn maps provided by the guides, the elementary school students worked together to navigate to each landmark and complete the challenge, adding an element of fun to the educational experience.

本次活動由活動企劃實作微學分學程的學生進行企劃發想、細節修正以及洽談合作。在盧美妃老師、林一成老師和徐慧韻老師的指導下,學生們完成了實地踏查、分組提案、企劃執行與自我能力檢核。通過OUR TOWN計畫團隊的媒合,與同校USR計畫和舊城文化協會合作,進一步擴大了活動規模。學生們不僅藉由實地導覽認識左營舊城,還提升了外語、新媒體及跨領域合作的能力,並將高雄本土的特色歷史故事廣泛傳播,為促進左營地區的宣傳盡一份心力。

This event was conceptualized, detailed, and coordinated by students enrolled in the Micro-Credit Course on Project Activity Planning Practice. Under the guidance of Professors Lu, Lin, and Xu, the students conducted on-site surveys, proposed group plans, executed the event, and self-assessed their abilities. Through the matchmaking efforts of the OUR TOWN project team, collaboration with the university’s USR project and Kaohsiung Cultural Association was established, further expanding the event’s scale.

The students not only gained in-depth knowledge of Zuoying Old Town through on-site guided tours but also enhanced their skills in foreign languages, new media, and cross-disciplinary cooperation. By widely disseminating Kaohsiung's unique historical stories, they contributed to the promotion of the Zuoying area, showcasing their dedication to local cultural preservation and advocacy.

OUR TOWN 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫致力推廣左營舊城的美,結合微學分學程與跨域合作,此次活動不但讓更多人認識左營地區,也讓學生們獲得許多實務經驗,在促進社區永續發展的同時,也鏈結地方教育與場域實踐,以達到課程人才培育的目標。

OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project is dedicated to promoting the beauty of Zuoying Old Town. By combining micro-credit courses with cross-domain collaboration, this event not only introduced more people to the Zuoying area but also provided students with valuable practical experience. The project aims to foster sustainable community development while linking local education with practical field experiences, thereby achieving the goal of cultivating talent through its curriculum.


陳振榮經理為小朋友帶來生動的文史講座(晴海 攝影)

Manager Chen Engaging Cultural History Lecture for Children.


小學伴認真填寫學習單(冠諭 攝影)

The elementary school students earnestly filled out their worksheets.


小學伴走訪郭家古厝(盧美妃 攝影)

Students visited the Guo Family Ancient House.


關主為小朋友解說關於誠意慈濟宮的軼聞(冠諭 攝影)

The guide told the children anecdotes about Ciji Temple.


盧美妃老師進行導覽解說(陳冠瑋 攝影)

Professor Lu conducted the tour.


團隊協力完成海報(易紋豪 攝影)

The team collaboratively completed the poster.


小學伴分享今日所學(林亭妤 攝影)

Students shared what they had learned from this event.


雙方計畫大合照(王馨正 攝影)

Group photo