【OUR TOWN學生團隊成員 蔡子容 報導】

文藻外語大學112學年度大學社會責任實踐計畫─「OUR TOWN 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫」,於2023年12月30日在高雄左營舊城區的泮咖啡籌辦師生成果聯展活動及左營大小事影片競賽頒獎典禮。這次展覽以參與計畫的文藻師生及社群成員的成果作品為主軸,並融入當地合作單位提供的人力與資源,而獲獎學生的作品主題內容以左營舊城在地的景點、美食、建築、文化脈絡為主。當天參與活動的人數達近100人,成功展現莘莘學子如何運用新媒體技術、外語能力,以及實境解謎、桌牌遊戲的遊戲設計理念,將舊城區的獨特魅力成功行銷出去。

Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages' University Social Responsibility Practice Program, "OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project”  organized the Team's Results Joint Exhibition and the Zuoying Events Video Competition Awards Ceremony at the Pamma Cofé in the Zuoying old town, Kaohsiung On December 30, 2023. The exhibition showcased the achievements of Wenzao students and community members involved in the project, integrating resources and manpower provided by local collaborative units. The award-winning students focused on the local attractions, cuisine, architecture, and cultural context of the Zuoying old town. Nearly 100 participants attended the event, highlighting how the students effectively utilized new media technologies, language skills, and game design concepts in reality puzzles and tabletop games. This successful exhibition successfully marketed the unique charm of the old town.


The exhibition consists of six areas, with the themes of the works centered around the practical field of Zuoying: "Interview and Editing Practical Course" - "Beyond a Hundred Words: The Beauty of Ci Ji Temple's Architecture, Dreaming of Ancient Houses"; "Event Planning Practical Course" - "Exploring Zuoying Old Town by Ubike: Culinary Delights, Sunset Lake Tour, and “Eat all the delicious food in old zuoying"; "New Media Practical Course" - a fantastical journey through videos showcasing ancient houses and temples; and a VR experience of the historical and cultural aspects of the old town led by Professor Chen Hongyu and his student team.

OUR TOWN計畫所開設的微學分學程,是由活動企劃實作、採訪編輯實作與新媒體實作三門課程組成,透過聆聽文史學家對左營當地的解說與業界講師講授的新媒體相關專業知識,增加學員對左營的認知。在專業人士的帶領下,學生獨力完成當地特色歷史故事與人文風情的活動宣傳與推廣,例如活動企劃實作的同學設計了地方活化沙盒試驗課程,利用U-bike 環繞蓮池潭附近周邊景點,讓參與民眾更了解左營在地的人文歷史脈絡與景點,而採訪編輯實作的同學則化身為遊戲設計師,結合導覽內容:城邑慈濟宮、菱角寮、廖家古厝與各色門額的歷史與實境解謎遊戲,為參與民眾與實踐場域的關係,帶來新的突破。最後,修習新媒體實作的課程學生,則將文藻校內建築與左營舊城古厝之間做串聯,同時錄製podcast,透過新媒體的剪輯拍攝,為大家彙整重點,解說各景點的故事與軼聞。

The micro-credit program offered by the OUR TOWN project consists of three courses: Event Planning Practical, Interview and Editing Practical, and New Media Practical. Through listening to local historians' explanations of Zuoying and industry experts teaching relevant new media knowledge, participants gain a deeper understanding of Zuoying. Under the guidance of professionals, students independently promote and publicize local historical stories and cultural activities. For example, students in the “Event Planning Practical”course designed a local activation sandbox experiment, using U-bikes to explore surrounding attractions near Lotus Pond, allowing participants to better understand the local cultural and historical context of Zuoying. Students in the “Interview and Editing Practical” course transformed into game designers, creating historical and reality puzzle games based on guided tour content, including Ci Ji Temple, Lingjiao Liao,(water chestnut), Liao's ancient house and various historical door frames, bringing a new breakthrough to the relationship between participants and the practical field.

Finally, students in the “New Media Practical”course connected the architecture of Wenzao and the ancient houses in Zuoying Old Town. They recorded podcasts and used new media editing and filming techniques to compile key points, explaining the stories and anecdotes of each location.


Additionally, this project's results exhibition also invited participants from the "Community Story Interview Editing" community to share their on-site exploration of Zuoying, conducting interviews with local residents to capture their stories. The event also welcomed representatives from project collaborators, Hexing Tea House and Xingfu Alley to come to the scene., leading participants in experiencing local culture. The aim was to raise awareness of the university's social responsibility project and the land of Zuoying Old Town among more external individuals.

Guided by professional instructors, the community of story editors guided students to delve into the community, interviewing local residents and elders to unearth unique stories exclusive to Zuoying. Adding their personal writing styles and techniques, they produced distinctive reports. For instance, Ms. Wang Shiqing interviewed Ms. Xue, who is from Guo Family Ancient House, deepened everyone's understanding of the importance of preserving and inheriting the culture of ancient houses.The local business district marketing community cooperates with merchants in Zuoying. Through negotiations between students and the owners of Xi'an Noodle Shop, Hexing Tea House, and various pastry shops, unique marketing plans were designed for them . This included translating dishes into English and Japanese, English voiceovers for promotional videos, and exclusive interviews, not only enhancing students' practical experience but also increasing exposure for the merchants.

「OUR TOWN 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫」藉由文藻師生團與高雄當地的文史研究學者、單位合作,一起朝在地共榮的目標前進。期盼藉這次舉辦成果展的力量,使更多文藻學生和校外人士走入左營老城區,期待他們能親身踏查、觀察,在地社區發展的變遷與認識更多地歷史遺址。希冀學生能運用課堂所學,向外推廣左營舊城在地風光,並發現左營獨特的人文魅力。

   "OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project” collaborates with Wenzao students, local historians, and research scholars to work towards the goal of local prosperity. With the power of organizing this exhibition, it is hoped that more Wenzao students and external individuals will explore the old town of Zuoying, personally investigate and observe the changes in the local community development, and learn about more historical sites. The aspiration is for students to apply what they have learned in class to promote the local beauty of Zuoying Old Town and discover its unique cultural charm.


左營大小事影片競賽頒獎典禮(林亭妤 攝影)

The Participant shared their homework


文藻參與師生及社區合作單位(林亭妤 攝影)

Participants practiced how to form the interview framework


《活動企劃實作課程》學生將課堂作品以海報及雜誌方式進行展出(林亭妤 攝影)

Participants shared their discussion


《採訪編輯實作課程》夢回古厝小組未看展民眾解說遊戲互動流程(林亭妤 攝影)

Participant expressed his feeling as an interviewee

《新 媒體實作課程》學生進行鐵窗花影片分享

《新媒體實作課程》學生進行鐵窗花影片分享(林亭妤 攝影)

Participants shared their discussion



Participants shared their discussion



Participant expressed his feeling as an interviewee