
文藻外語大學「OUR TOWN 在地商圈行銷社群」計畫,以專案小組形式結合校內外資源,聯手左營舊城商圈三家店家(中外餅鋪、和興茶莊、西安麵食館),成功執行行銷計畫,為商家帶來顯著成果。

"OUR TOWN Local Business District Marketing Community" project at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages successfully executed marketing initiatives by collaborating with three businesses in the Zuoying Old Town commercial district - Joywell Cake Store, Hsing-Heng Tea House, and Xi'an Noodle Restaurant - integrating internal and external resources in the form of project teams.

該計畫由文藻OUR TOWN團隊與左營舊城店家攜手合作,並結合學校內對新媒體或行銷有興趣的師生,共同組成專案小組。透過定期的專案會議,從設立共識、分析專案需求、制定行動方案,到素材蒐集如影片拍攝、菜單設計、訪談等活動,全面展開合作。

The initiative involved a partnership between the Wenzao OUR TOWN team and the businesses of Zuoying Old Town, along with students and faculty members interested in new media or marketing. These stakeholders collaborated to form project teams. Through regular meetings, the teams established consensus, analyzed project needs, formulated action plans, and conducted various activities such as video production, menu design, and interviews.


Each of the three businesses' project teams presented distinctive marketing outcomes. Joywell Cake Store produced a Chinese promotional video, translated and narrated in English by the Wenzao team to create an English version of the promotional video. Hsing-Heng Tea House collaborated with a student team to produce a bilingual promotional video, showcasing the art of tea in new media format. The Xi'an Noodle Restaurant team created videos detailing the noodle-making process and introduced a bilingual menu to enhance customer understanding of their offerings.

「OUR TOWN 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫」旨在強化學生實務經驗、提升溝通與合作能力、培養創意思維。學生透過與商家合作,實際參與行銷企劃的執行,獲得現實世界經驗;專案小組間的有效溝通與合作,培養學生協商能力;並鼓勵學生為每個店家設計獨特行銷方案,發揮創意思維,提出新穎策略。

"OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Co-creation Platform" aims to enhance students' practical experience, improve communication and collaboration skills, and foster creative thinking. Through collaboration with businesses, students gained real-world marketing execution experience. Effective communication and cooperation among project teams developed students' negotiation abilities. Furthermore, encouraging students to design unique marketing plans for each business stimulated their creative thinking and innovative strategies.

OUR TOWN「在地商圈行銷社群」的成功合作不僅促進了學生的實踐能力與合作精神,也為左營舊城商圈注入新活力,帶來了商業機會與發展潛力。

The successful collaboration of OUR TOWN's "Local Business District Marketing Community" not only enhanced students' practical skills and cooperative spirit but also injected new vitality into the Zuoying Old Town commercial district, offering new business opportunities and development potential.


《中外餅鋪專案小組》邀請商家單位至文藻錄製影片英文配音(李函蒨 攝影)

"The Central and Foreign Pastry Shop Project Team" invites business representatives to come to Wenzao for video recording with English voiceovers


《西安麵食館專案小組》文藻師生共同至店家所在地進行製麵錄製(林一成 攝影)

The Xi'an Noodle House Project Team" collaborates with Wenzao faculty and students to conduct noodle-making video recording at the location of the restaurant


《和興茶莊專案小組》文藻師生團隊與在地商家與顧客錄製老顧客採訪(蔡子容 攝影)

"The Hoxing Tea House Project Team" collaborates with Wenzao faculty and student teams to conduct interviews with long-time customers at the local business location



"The Xi'an Noodle House Project Team Results" - Translation of Dish Specialties


參與商圈社群計畫的學生於成果展發表成果與碰到問題的解決方式(林亭妤 攝影)

Students participating in the Business District Community Project present their achievements and share solutions to encountered challenges at the results exhibition


團隊學生成員以簡報形式分享三個專案各自產出的作品(林亭妤 攝影)

The team members will share the outputs of their respective projects through presentations