【OUR TOWN學生團隊成員 龔楚茜報導】

文藻外語大學大學社會責任實踐計畫─「OUR TOWN 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫」的五項社群活動,其中的「文史創新社群」於3月16日舉辦走讀活動,邀請左營在地文史研究者、舊城文化協會理事長郭吉清老師蒞臨,為參與者實地解說高雄曹公圳的歷史故事與現況。透過本次活動,學員們跟著郭老師的腳步走訪古圳道,深入了解左營地區文史更完整的面貌。

Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages' University Social Responsibility Practice Program, “OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project”, includes five community events, one of which is the “Culture and History Innovative Community.” On March 16th, the community organized a walking tour, inviting local cultural and historical researcher and chairman of Kaohsiung Cultural Association, Professor Guo Ji-qing, to provide participants with an in-depth explanation of the history and current state of Kaohsiung's Cao Gong Irrigation Channel. Through this event, participants followed in Professor Guo's footsteps along the ancient canal paths, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the cultural and historical landscape of the Zuoying area.


The Ciji Temple, located next to Lotus Pond, is a three-hundred-year-old architectural marvel that integrates art with faith. Inside the palace, participants witnessed exquisite carvings and paintings, which not only showcase the brilliance of Taiwan's traditional crafts but also reflect the local efforts in preserving cultural and historical heritage. Later, Professor Guo led the participants to the edge of Lotus Pond, overlooking the distant “Dragon and Tiger Pagodas.” In 1974, a deity worshiped in the Tzu Ciji Temple warned of an impending disaster. In response to this divine revelation, devotees collectively funded the construction of these pagodas as a place for prayer and protection. Two years later, the majestic Dragon and Tiger Pagodas stood tall, becoming one of the landmarks of the Zuoying District. The pagodas are not just a religious site but also a cultural treasure of the Zuoying District, attracting many visitors.


The Cao Gong Irrigation Channel was once the lifeline of the Zuoying area, providing sufficient irrigation water for agriculture, promoting prosperity in farming, and playing an indispensable role in drainage and flood prevention, safeguarding the lives and property of the residents. Within the premises of the old Zuoying Junior High School, many ancient waterways carved in the 22nd year of the Qing Daoguang era (in 1842 AD), such as the “Shiwugo Irrigation Channel,” “Qianfeng Irrigation Channel,” and “Turtle Head Flume,” have been preserved. These historical irrigation channels have been retained and protected from destruction during the development of the site. Observing nearby channels like the “Naba Irrigation Channel,” “Zhouzaiyang Irrigation Channel,” and “Linzaibian Irrigation Channel” also reveals traces of history. The preservation of these channels is attributed to the relentless efforts of various historians and associations, continuing to play a part in the local cultural and historical narrative, inspiring ongoing exploration, and understanding of history and culture.

本次文史走讀活動郭老師帶領學員一覽左營曹公圳富含文化及歷史的魅力。沿途行經蓮池潭、壽山國家自然公園、原生植物園等地,透過解說讓學員們看見歷史嶄新的面貌。「OUR TOWN 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫」致力於透過各項社群活動提升在地連結,協助民眾了解當地文化並推動地方創生,未來將持續邀請各方學者推出系列活動與講座,為大學社會責任實踐盡最大的一份力。而「文史創新社群」也將於4月20日再次邀請郭吉清老師,講授「探索北高地區軍事遺址」之講座,期待學員們再次參與!

In this cultural and historical walking tour, Professor Guo guided participants through the cultural and historical charm of the Zuoying Cao Gong Irrigation Channel. Passing through places like Lotus Pond, Shoushan National Nature Park, and Kaohsiung Original Botanical Garden, the explanations provided a fresh perspective on history. The “OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project” is dedicated to enhancing local connections through various community activities, helping people understand local culture and promote regional revitalization. Future events and lectures by scholars will continue to contribute to the university's social responsibility efforts. The “Culture and History Innovative Community” will invite Teacher Guo Ji-Qing again on April 20th to deliver a lecture on “Exploring Military Sites in the North Kaohsiung Area,” looking forward to participants' continued involvement!

圖片 1

郭吉清老師帶領參與者於慈濟宮一同參拜 (龔楚茜 攝影)

Professor Guo Jiqing instructed participants to worship God in Ciji Temple

圖2. 郭吉清老師帶領參與者前往水圳探尋

郭吉清老師帶領參與者前往水圳探尋 (龔楚茜 攝影)

The adventure tour of the Cao Gong Irrigation Channel led by Professor Guo Jiqing 

圖3. 參與者實地觀察水圳

參與者實地觀察水圳 (龔楚茜 攝影)

Participants examined the Cao Gong Irrigation Channel

圖4. 講師、計畫團隊成員及參與者於原生植物園合影

講師、計畫團隊成員及參與者於原生植物園合影 (龔楚茜 攝影)

Group photo of participants, lecturer, and workers