【OUR TOWN學生團隊成員  林亭妤報導】

文藻外語大學大學社會責任實踐計畫─「OUR TOWN 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫」的五項社群活動,其中的「文史創新社群」於新年度1月20日舉辦文史走讀,特邀請文史專家,同也是高雄師範大學退休教授-張守真老師,帶領參與學員實際來趟舊城、龜山深度之旅,並於各景物中詳細講述關於那些被埋沒的歷史、小知識及背後人文故事,讓大家有機會能夠大開眼界,享受有「景」共賭之樂趣,並吸收滿滿文史養分!

Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages' University Social Responsibility Practice Program, "OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project" includes five community activities. Among these, the "Culture and History Innovative Community" organized a cultural and historical walking tour on January 20th of the new year. We are pleased to invite an expert in cultural and historical studies, Professor Zhang Shouzhen, who is also a retired professor from National Kaohsiung Normal University. Professor Zhang will guide the participating members on an actual journey through the old city and the profound landscapes of Guishan(Turtle Mountain). He provided detailed narratives about the buried histories, interesting facts, and the stories of humanities associated with various landmarks. This opportunity allows everyone to expand their horizons, enjoy the pleasure of exploring the "scenery" together, and absorb a wealth of cultural and historical knowledge !


The general public is more familiar with the North Gate, located in a bustling commercial district, while the East Gate is situated in a tranquil area surrounded by greenery, with few visitors. However, its significance is no less than that of other town gates. The East Gate, also known as Fengyi Gate, is located on the eastern Fengshan hills, resembling a flying phoenix, hence its name associated with the local residents’ ”anticipation of auspicious events”. During the Qing Dynasty, the East Gate served as the gateway to Fengshan New Town (Xia Pitou), with three main routes, including the "main road," "small road," and "south road." It was a crucial thoroughfare for patrols and commercial trade, making it highly significant during that time.


In front of the town gate, there was a protective moat dating back to the Qing Dynasty, which was once the path of Cao Gong's canal for irrigation. The design beneath the bridge piers is hexagonal, facilitating the flow of water. Professor Zhang's narration enlightened us, revealing that a seemingly ordinary town wall structure is, in fact, carefully designed and constructed. Besides ensuring the safety of residents within the town, it also plays a role in the economic development of agriculture and commerce. Following this, participants climbed Turtle Mountain together. Professor Zhang began introducing the bunkers, artillery positions, and secret passage on the mountain, all built during the Japanese colonial period. Despite Turtle Mountain's modest elevation, with its highest point at only about 63 meters, it serves as an excellent vantage point for overlooking the entire Lotus pond and the townscape. For the Zuoying Naval Base, it is also the best viewpoint. Consequently, we learned that Turtle Mountain occupies an extremely vital strategic position. When facing external threats, whether in defense, detection, or concealment, Turtle Mountain emerges as an ideal choice.


During our on-site visit of the old town and Turtle Mountain, we strolled along the trails, discovering that our observations extended beyond just flowers, plants, and inconspicuous ancient buildings. Instead, as we traversed different places, we could sincerely feel the essence of the people, events, objects, locations, and sceneries. These elements, whether natural or man-made, did not emerge overnight or materialize out of thin air. Simultaneously, they also represent unique symbols and significant historical legacies of each era.

新年度的第一場實地走訪活動已圓滿結束,張教授以風趣的方式為我們進行解說,所有學員都全情投入,充實地獲得了一趟美好的旅程。未來,「OUR TOWN 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫」文史社群將持續舉辦相關活動,引領更多有志的夥伴參與。我們的目標是從認識高雄歷史,進而深入了解在地人文,最終推廣左營舊城的豐富文化。期待未來與更多夥伴攜手,一同參與社區的永續發展。

The first visit activity of the new year has been successfully concluded. Professor Zhang explained it to us in a funny way. All the students were fully engaged and had a wonderful trip."OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project” will continue to organize relevant cultural and historical events, guiding more interested partners to participate.Our goal is to start by understanding the history of Kaohsiung, delve deeper into the local culture, and ultimately promote the rich heritage of Zuoying Old Town. We look forward to joining hands with more partners in the future, actively participating in the sustainable development of the community.

圖1. 文史專家講述東門

文史專家講述東門(林亭妤 攝影)

Literary and historical researcher introduced the East Gate

圖2. 行走「見城之道」

行走「見城之道」(林亭妤 攝影)

Participtants walked on the historical trail

圖3. 龜山景觀眺望景色

龜山景觀眺望景色(蔡忠和 攝影)

The beautiful view of the old town from the top of Guishan Mountain

圖4. 大合照

大合照(林亭妤 攝影)

Group photo in front of the North Gate