【OUR TOWN學生團隊成員  林亭妤報導】

文藻外語大學大學社會責任實踐計畫─「OUR TOWN 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫」的五項社群活動,其中的「文史創新社群」於11月11日、11月18日兩日舉辦文史走讀,邀請左營在地文史研究者廖德宗老師,為參與者解說左營舊城在地的「過往歷史」至「現今面貌」,透過實際走訪方式,讓參與學員對左營以往的認知,有所改變,對於當地文史有更不同的認識以及獨特見解。

Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages' University Social Responsibility Practice Program, "OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project" includes five community activities. Among these, the "Culture and History Innovative Community"organized a cultural and historical walking tour on November 11th and November 18th. They invited local cultural and historical researcher, Mr. Liao Te-tsung (also as Kenny Liaw) from Zuoying, to provide explanations for the participants. The tour aimed to guide participants through the local "historical past" to the "current appearance" of Zuoying Old Town. Through on-site visits, participating members of the tour had the opportunity to alter their previous perceptions of Zuoying, gaining a different understanding and unique insights into local culture and history.


Mr.Liao first introduced the "Confucius Temple and Congsheng Shrine," located within the Jiuo-Cheng Primary School, boasting a history of over three hundred years. It was reconstructed during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty (1704) by the Fengshan County Magistrate, Song Yongqing, and served as a foundation for cultural and educational development. Mr.Liao talked about the various ups and downs that the old Confucius Temple has experienced over the past three hundred years, including being destroyed, repaired, demolished, rebuilt, etc. The participants were filled with sighs and awe when listening. In addition, Mr. Liao also used his own childhood memories to share with everyone bits and pieces of his life around the old Confucius Temple, so that everyone can understand the background at that time. Although the Old Confucius Temple has been replaced by a new temple, its intrinsic importance has diminished. However, the values of Confucian rituals and teachings still endure. Through the explanations provided, it is hoped that participants will not only understand the Old Confucius Temple but also develop a deeper appreciation for the overall preservation of cultural and historical values.


Next, Mr. Liao led the students to the lakeside of Lotus Pond, recounting the rich legendary stories here. What captivated everyone's interest was the story of the "Umbrella Cave." This is a well-known local legend story, which claims that during afternoon thunderstorms, there is a spot on the water surface where rain never falls, as if there's an umbrella blocking it from above! Whether it's related to scientific magnetic fields or the protective influence of mysterious forces, interpretations vary among individuals. The location of the "Umbrella Cave" is said to be above the statue of the Xuantian Shangdi (The deity of the Big Dipper) . Zuoying Old Town is filled with various rich and fascinating folk stories. Even if they are just legends, for the locals, they hold significant value, adding vibrant colors to the entire culture and history. Furthermore, Mr. Liao also led the group in climbing Turtle Mountain, reciting the famous "Eight Scenes of Turtle Mountain" by poet Zhuo Zhaochang. In the poem, phrases such as "mountain mist at dawn, layered rocks in the evening glow, spring trees in the rain, sparse woods under the moon, clear peaks overlooking the sea, ancient temples with fragrant breezes, climbing the peak for a wild gaze, and the cries of apes in the cold night” highlight Turtle Mountain as the best vantage point to appreciate the entire old town's beauty. By comparing old photos of Turtle Mountain with its current landscape, the same location exhibits stark changes, allowing the participants to instantly feel the rise and fall of the old town over a century.

本次文史走讀帶領參與者實際走訪幾個重要的景點,還包括舊城國小內泮月池、北門城門、謝廷芳古厝。相較於室內聆聽講座,親身探訪更能幫助參與者透夠「停、看、聽」了解整個舊城之樣貌。「OUR TOWN 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫」將持續辦理相關文史活動,引領更多有意願的夥伴來參與,從認識片面歷史到理解在地人文,延伸推廣至左營舊城文化,進而實現大學社會責任理念。

This cultural and historical walking tour leads participants to visit several important landmarks, including the Pan pond  within the Jiuo-Cheng primary school, the North Gate, and the historic residence of Xie Ting-fang. In contrast to indoor lectures, the hands-on exploration helps participants truly experience and understand the appearance of the entire old city through the process of "stop, look, and listen." "OUR TOWN Community Sustainable Cross-Domain Collaborative Platform Project” will continue to organize relevant cultural and historical events, guiding more interested partners to participate. From understanding one-sided history to understanding local culture, and then extending to promoting the culture of Zuoying Old Town. Ultimately, this endeavor aims to fulfill the university's commitment to social responsibility.

圖1. 介紹舊孔廟。

文史研究者廖德宗老師介紹舊孔廟(林亭妤 攝影)

Literary and historical researcher Liao Dezong introduced the Old Confucius Temple

圖2. 蓮池潭潭邊講述民間傳說故事。

廖德宗老師於蓮池潭潭邊講述民間傳說故事(林亭妤 攝影)

Mr.Liao told folklore stories by the lotus pond

圖3. 龜山山頂。

參與者從龜山山頂眺望舊城美景(盧美妃 攝影)

Participants enjoy the beautiful view of the old town from the top of Guishan Mountain

圖4. 北門前方合影。

參與者及講著於北門前方合影(盧美妃 攝影)

Participants and the speaker took a group photo in front of the North Gate