【OUR TOWN學生團隊成員 蔡子容 報導】

OUR TOWN「社區故事採訪編輯社群」於12月12日在泮咖啡舉辦了第四場的課程教學,在吳啟豪老師的引領下,學員們在採訪的這塊領域中盡情探索,深入瞭解採訪的整體邏輯,以及如何因應實際狀況對採訪架構與脈絡走向進行調整,寫出兼具深度與廣度的文章。

On December 12, 2023, the "OUR TOWN Community Sustainability Interdisciplinary Co-Creation Platform Project" held its fourth Interview Editing Course. Under the guidance of Prof. Wu, the students explored freely in the field of interviews, gaining a deep understanding of the overall logical structure behind interviews. They learned how to modify the interview framework and context based on actual situations, producing articles that are both in-depth and informative.


Firstly, Prof. Wu held a small competition, allowing participants to compare different interview frameworks. Through this game, they identified their strengths and learned from each other. Prof. Wu also emphasized the importance of leaving a positive impression to interviewees. For example, consistently staring at electronic devices usually made others feel awkward, which might lead to the difficulty of breaking down barrier and data collection. In addition, Prof. Wu reminded that the basis of equality and mutual respect between the interviewer and interviewee are crucial. Besides learning the value of empathy for others, interviewers should learn how to avoid asking offensive or aggressive questions. Through natural interaction and conversation, the interviewee will unconsciously lower their guard and come up with natural and in-depth responses. At this stage, the interviewer has more opportunity to progressively do deeper into topics. After that, by timely adding one's own perspectives and interpretations, a report with personal characteristics and content richness can be produced.


After participating in four courses, the participants are now capable of independently forming interview frameworks and refining their articles to maintain a fluent and logical academic style. Besides the class, several students have begun field investigations, trying to lead interviews with residents individually. The aim is to help participating students to apply what they have learned in class in reality and find out more local stories and legends in Zuoying. For example, the participating students Mr. Ko and Mrs. Wang shared their interview outcomes in class. The topic of Mr. Ko 's interview is the history and local legends of Yuandi Temple, and the interviewee is Brother Lai, a retired military officer. Through Brother Lai's detailed explanations, we gained insights into the period when Yuandi Temple was under construction, the local belief on Yuandi, and the role Yuandi Temple plays in this community. On the other hand, Mrs. Wang focused on the topic of the Guo's Century Old House with the interviewee, Mrs. Xue, the manager of the Old House. Via her detailed introduction, we take a close look on the challenges of preserving old houses and gain awareness of the importance of cultural heritage. After her narration, everyone gains a better understanding of the journey of Guo's Century Old House successfully transforming from ruins to a tourist homestay, connecting between local culture and history.

OUR TOWN 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫」旨在不僅僅提供採訪編輯教學,更致力於推廣左營當地社區的文化、歷史,以及豐富的在地故事。計畫的目標是透過這個平台,讓社區中蘊含的豐富老故事更廣為人知,激發更多人前來左營探索。計畫於當地進行推廣活動,不僅能為左營當地創造更多被關注的機會,同時有助於促進社區的永續發展,這些訪談成果不僅豐富了學員的實地經驗,同時為左營的歷史和文化留下了生動的紀錄。

The "OUR TOWN Community Sustainability Interdisciplinary Co-Creation Platform Project" aims not only to provide interview editing education but also to promote the culture, history, and rich local stories of the local community. The goal of this project is to make the rich old stories in the community more widely known through this platform, inspiring more people to explore Zuoying. By conducting promotional activities there, the project creates more chances to have attention to the local community as well as contributes to the sustainable development of the community. These interview outcomes not only enrich the students' on-site experiences but also leave clear records of the history and culture of Zuoying.


學員分享回家作業(蔡子容 攝影)

The Participant shared their homework


學員擬定練習的採訪稿(蔡子容 攝影)

Participants practiced how to form the interview framework


學員分享模擬採訪的成果(蔡子容 攝影)

Participants shared their discussion


學員作為被採訪者分享自己的想法(蔡子容 攝影)

Participant expressed his feeling as an interviewee