【OUR TOWN學生團隊成員 楊珮妤 報導】


In this writing course, Mr. Wu first invited participants to share their assignments from the previous week's course, in which they were asked to use what they had learned in the classroom to weave people, events, times, places, and things into a poem or a story. Among them, Ms. Fang Ling's poem successfully incorporated the old town of Zuoying, revealing her deep affection for the local culture and history of Zuoying. Next, each participant conducted a time-limited mock interview exercise as a warm-up activity for the day's program.


Through the practice of interviewing each other, the participants were able to learn more about each other's values and backgrounds. Mr. Wu emphasized the importance of asking questions with sensitivity and guiding the interviewees to share deeper content. The simulated interviews helped to develop the participants' communication skills in real-life situations and enabled them to respond flexibly to various interview scenarios. In this process, the example of the project facilitator, Ms. Mei-Fei, and the participant, Ms. Wang Shih-Ching, highlighted once again how the interaction of the interviews allowed for a closer bond to be established between participants who were originally unfamiliar with each other. This not only helps to promote cooperation and collaboration among participants, but also enhances the overall sense of participation and motivation in the course.


Apart from developing participants' oral expression and logical thinking skills, this activity also emphasizes on the interviewer's purpose and time management throughout the process. Interviewers need to clearly understand the purpose of their interviews and achieve their objectives effectively within the limited time available. This not only helps to train the participants' professionalism, but also develops their strain capacity to cope with real-life challenges. Through the simulated interviewing game, the principles and basic structure of interviewing are conveyed, explaining that interviews are conducted with a clear purpose, out of "curiosity" and the desire to get "feedback" from the respondents as the starting point, and illustrating the methods of information collection and analysis, how to plan and execute, as well as the relevance, importance and impact of the factors of venue and time on the interviews.

「OUR TOWN 社區永續跨域共創平台計畫」的目的不僅僅在於提供採訪編輯教學,更致力於推廣左營當地社區的文化、歷史,以及豐富的在地故事。我們期望透過計畫,能讓社區中蘊含的豐富老故事更廣為人知,進而激發更多人前來左營探索。透過這樣的推動,不僅能夠為左營當地創造更多的機會,也有助於促進社區的永續發展。我们希望能夠喚起人們對於地方特色的關注,並讓左營的獨特之處在更廣泛的範疇中被重視。

"The OUR TOWN Community Sustainability Cross-District Co-Creation Platform Project" aims not only to provide interviews and editorial instruction, but also to promote the culture, history, and rich local stories of Zuoying's local community. We hope that through the program, the richness of the old stories contained in the community will become more widely known, thus inspiring more people to come to Zuoying to explore the area. By doing so, we will not only create more opportunities in Zuoying, but also help to promote the sustainability of the community. We hope to raise awareness of the local character and make Zuoying's uniqueness recognized in a wider context.

圖2 學員進行課堂遊戲

學員進行課堂遊戲(王馨正 攝影)

Students playing activities

圖3 學員與美妃老師互相採訪

學員與美妃老師互相採訪(王馨正 攝影)

Interviews between student and Ms. Mei-Fei

圖4 學員分享採訪結果

學員分享採訪結果(王馨正 攝影)

Interview results sharing

圖6 學員分享各自採訪內容

學員分享各自採訪內容(王馨正 攝影)

Interview results sharing