【OUR TOWN學生團隊成員 楊珮妤 報導】


"The Stories Interviewing Editors Community" held its second interviewing editing course on October 31st at PAMMA CAFFEE. The aim of this activity was to allow participants to explore the basic principles and skills of writing, and to experience how to transform their personal thoughts into compelling words. At the beginning of the program, Mr. Wu emphasized on the preparation and basic knowledge of writing, and guided the students to understand the basic structure of writing, including the elements of storytelling structure, such as the beginning, the end, the end and the end.


In this course, Mr. Wu introduced improvised solitaire writing by playing a relaxing game, in which students were asked to write a short story in collaboration with other members of the group within a specified period of time. The aim of the game is to encourage students to think quickly and turn their ideas into words, and at the same time to cultivate the inspiration of writing. After the game, Mr. Wu used the way that the group commented on each other's work to share their reading experience, so that the students could understand that everyone can be a little writer, and asked them to comment and analyze the writing styles and skills of different members, which was also the main idea that Mr. Wu wanted to convey to the students in this course.


The most interesting part of the program was the exchange of writing and discussion. While appreciating each other's writing, we were also puzzled and amused by the vocabulary and phrases that popped up out of the blue. In this regard, apart from giving constructive suggestions to each other, the participants also put forward their own ideas on areas that need to be improved, e.g., the purpose of a certain event needs to be described in a specific way in order to contextualize the writing and to help the readers to understand the context. For example, the purpose of an event needs to be clearly and specifically described so that the context of the article can be connected and the reader will not be confused when reading. The article solitaire game not only provided valuable feedback for each group member, but also allowed for more interaction among the community participants and strengthened their writing skills.


Through this activity, participants realized that writing can be a simple concept, and that with basic skills and structure, they can create compelling short essays. The focus of this course is to understand the universal structure of writing, including the direction of the story, the beginning, the end and the end, as well as how to use words to interact with the readers. In the next course, participants will be asked to adapt the stories they have collected and write a piece of writing with their own personal characteristics. Future courses will continue to focus on developing participants' writing skills so that they can be more confident in dealing with a wide range of writing challenges.


課程前說明接龍寫作遊戲(楊珮妤 攝影)

Pre-course instructions relay writing game


分組接龍寫作(楊珮妤 攝影)

Relay writing in groups


分組接龍寫作(楊珮妤 攝影)

Relay writing in groups


學員閱讀心得分享(楊珮妤 攝影)

Student reading experience sharing