

I would like to tell you a story about how 卓肇昌 became the Saint protector of the city. In his childhood, he was the one that was deeply influenced by his father to take the examination and became one cultivated talent in 1740. Later in 1750, he passed the exam and was therefore a first-degree scholar. What’ more, the government back then designated him as a county magistrate. Nevertheless, due to the fact that there were too many of them, he had no choice but to be an official at Ping-Shan Academy.


Since he was in position, he had came to and fro from his house to Ping-Shan Academy for countless times. Along the way, it’s inclusive of the Lotus Pond. Besides, he himself was gifted enough to compose several poems and verses. They all featured the landscapes, history, and the legends that took place in southern Taiwan.


How 卓肇昌 became the Saint protector of the city:


It was even said that a vendor selling vegetables bumped into him on his way to Buhuo. 卓肇昌told him that he was then about to take office in Zihguan and asked him to notify his family of this. After that, he rode his horse away immediately. It was not until the vendor arrived at his house in Buhuo that he knew卓肇昌had already passed away the night before. He was only 54 years old then. In the meantime, there was also a tough case in regard to the land in Zihguan, and it couldn’t be resolved by the county magistrate. Therefore, it was later examined and scrutinized by the Saint protector of the city. For the Saint protector of the city excelled in this, the case itself was finally resolved at ease. After 卓肇昌 kicked the bucket, the deities’ faces in Zihguan Saint protector of the city Temple happened to be deified as well. Hence, the residents in Buhuo all reckoned that the Saint protector of the city was actually卓肇昌’s transformation.



Academy is located in the East Gate of Old Town



Saint Protector of the City